Connecting People. Growing Disciples.
We believe life is better surrounded by people who encourage, support, and challenge you to grow in your relationship with Christ.

Adults | Deleta Gardner
Zoom Id: 859 0067 4575
This class is welcome to everyone. We meet on Sunday at 9:30am CST. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you as we grow our faith together, as we encourage and pray for one another.

Adults |Craig Davis
Zoom Id: 859 0067 4575
This class is welcome to everyone. We meet on Sunday at 9:30am CST. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you as we grow our faith together, as we encourage and pray for one another.

Adults | Thurman Miles
Zoom Id: 870 5746 9546
Passcode: 2024
This class is welcome to everyone. We meet on Sunday at 9:30am CST. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you as we grow our faith together, as we encourage and pray for one another.

HS| Tony Williams
onsite only
This class is for ages between 13-17 years of age. Find us in the high school room at 9:30am CST.

Youth | Diane Rhodes
onsite only
This class is for youth only. We meet on Sunday at 9:30am CST. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you as we grow our faith together, as we encourage and pray for one another.

Young Adults | Preston Busby
Zoom Id: to come
This class is for young adults only. We meet on Sunday at 9:30am CST. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you as we grow our faith together, as we encourage and pray for one another.
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